Tuesday 14 June 2011


So I recently dyed my hair bright purple specifically for Beach Break Live, which is approaching quickly! I bleached it first using Jerome Russell Bblonde powder bleach and cream peroxide. This was the first time I'd ever bleached my hair and I was a bit worried it would damage my hair really badly, but in fact it didn't harm it at all. I did use Aussie Reconstructor and Colour Treatment Minute Miracle hair masks before and after to keep it soft, which may have helped. A few days later I dyed it 'Violet' with Directions semi-permanent hair dye. It takes 15 to 30 minutes to set, but I'm starting to have a few problems with it. Once my hair was dry my boyfriend pointed out that some patches of my hair had turned back to my natural colour, which seemed really strange. I have now washed my hair three times with cold water since dying it, and it's faded a lot since then, and now resembles a grey purple colour. I don't know what I've done wrong, I'm just glad it doesn't look too awful!

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